1. Project Name: Conducting a Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magneto- telluric (CSAMT) Geophysical survey to Explore Groundwater potentials in Bishreyyah Region (Phase I).
  2. Project Owner: Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI).
  3. Project Contractor: Sumer for Geological and Hydrogeological Consultants Company.
  4. Project Consultant: Dorsch International Consultants GmbH.
  5. Location: Within the Basalt Wellfield, the area of interest is located 25 km North-West Azraq town. Located within two geological sheets (Al Hamidiyya-3354III and Al Bishriyya-3354II.
  6. Scope Of Work:
  • Comprehensive Desk Study
    Analyze existing data to guide survey planning and methodology.
  • Mobilization and Demobilization
    Organize personnel, establish on-site facilities, and prepare vehicles, loaders, and other essentials for smooth field operations.
  • TDEM Calibration Soundings
    Perform calibration at existing well sites to validate Time-Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) data up to 1,000 meters.
  • CSAMT Calibration Soundings
    Conduct calibration using Controlled-Source Audio-Magnetotellurics (CSAMT) at existing well sites for depths up to 1,000 meters.
  • Report and Recommendations
    Prepare findings and design recommendations for the phase II survey.
  • Optional: Reinterpret BGR’s MT Survey
    Reprocess and refine interpretations of legacy MT data for enhanced insights.

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