- Project Name: Groundwater Resource Assessment of the Disi Aquifer in Southern and Central Jordan.
- Project Owner: The Ministry of Water and Irrigation of Jordan (MWI), supported by the French Agency for Development (AFD) and the French Geological Survey (BRGM).
- Project Contractor: JEHAD Deep Wells Logging and Development, Supported by, French Geological Survey (BRGM). Participated, Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ).
- Project Consultant: Business Network Company for Geological Consultations (BNCo).
- Location: Southern and Central Jordan, Disi Aquifer, Dubaydib Wellfield Area.
- Scope Of Work: Groundwater Resource Assessment of the Disi Aquifer in Southern and Central Jordan was carried out for water producing wells and piezometer wells.
In order to assess the Disi aquifer the following methodologies were performed:
- Spectral gamma ray logging for ten piezometer wells as this measures the natural gamma radiation emanating from a formation split into contributions from each of the major radio-isotopic sources. Analysis of the sources of the natural gamma radiation give us added information concerning the composition and likely lithology of the formation.
- Physico-chemical logging for four piezometer wells as physico-chemical logging is a technique used in the field of hydrogeology to assess the physical and chemical properties of subsurface formations, particularly aquifers. This method involves the measurement of various parameters within boreholes or wells to obtain detailed information about the geological and fluid characteristics present. Key parameters measured during this process include: Temperature, Electrical Conductivity/Resistivity, pH Levels, Redox Potential (Eh), Dissolved Oxygen, Ion Concentrations.
- Deep sampling for four piezometer wells where water samples were taken for different depths of each well, these were then sent to the specialized laboratories for analysis and assessment.
- Surface water sampling for ten producing wells were taken for analysis and assessment.
- CCTV scanning were performed for many monitoring water wells prior to spectral gamma logging to make sure that no obstacles are present.
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